Beaver Scouts (Scouting Ireland)
Beaver Scouts (commonly known as Beavers) are the youngest age group in Scouting Ireland and are boys and girls aged between 6 and 8 years of age. The personal progressive scheme employed in Beavers is called the "paw print trail", with each member following the trail, collecting paw badges along the way. These are soon to be abolished on the introduction of a new programme.
A group of Beavers is called a Beaver Scout Colony. The colony is run by a Beaver Scout Leader with the help of Assistant Beaver Scout Leaders and often Venture Scouts. The beaver colony operates a very loose form of the Patrol System, in accordance with the Scout method, whereby Beavers are divided into small groups called lodges. The head beaver in a lodge is known as a lodge leader who is helped by an asst lodge leader. These positions are changed frequently within the lodge.
Scouting Ireland
Advancement and recognition